The Galileo Vision Tour continues in Italy

Written by MIDO | 09/09/2019
The Galileo Vision Tour - a real traveling journey dedicated to prevention and visual well-being - which from May with an equipped van, is crossing Italy, stopping in the most beautiful squares and doing free visual checks - is back. 
With over 1,200 screenings already made in three months, the company wants to promote the culture of "good vision" with different initiatives that aim to raise awareness among young and old users and at the same time to bring them closer to the optical centers. 
The appointments of the tour, organized in collaboration with partners sensitive to the promotion of the culture of visual well-being, allow the optical centers to increase their visibility among their citizens thanks to paper and digital advertising material provided by Galileo, essential to better communicate the initiative on site and on the web & social pages.  The   goal, well evidenced b y the graphic claims - " How long without meeting ?" and "Let's take a look at you r vision!" -  is to   catch   attention and allow the consumer to immediately identify the activity. 
The next appointment is for September 13th in Lecce thanks to Ottica De Donno, the optical  center  partner that, by joining the project, supports the activity of prevention and visual education. Afterwards, the van will leave for Basilicata and Campania and then,  from the end of October, will return to the North.