The future is “progressive”

Written by MIDO | 07/03/2019

Between the end of June and the start of September the city of Florence hosted the “Progressive Business Forum”, during the course of which the subject of presbyopia and progressive lenses was analysed, from different perspectives. We discuss the topic with Paolo Pettazzoni, Deputy Chairman of ANFAO and Chairman of the Lenti Group.

Why did ANFAO choose to sponsor the conference on presbyopia in Florence?

Because our Association, and the Lenti Group ANFAO in particular, has always been committed to progressive lenses. This is why we immediately decided to sponsor the event. We have long been aware that progressive lenses reprsent a great opportunity for the whole market, and indeed for the entire supply chain, and for the visual wellbeing of final consumers.

It is not the first such venture you have been involved in... 

Exactly... Over the years we have launched many concrete projects: a three-year period of targeted communication campaigns, including a television campaign in 2006, conferences and congresses with opticians and medical professionals, courses and seminars, including at the MIDO trade fair.

Presbyopia and the Italian market: what is the current status?

There has been some progress over time but there we still have to make up a major gap with other countries. If we are able to do this, there will be substantial growth opportunities for us all.

Another feature of the Italian situation is the lack of cooperation between the medical community and optometrists. What do you think about this?

It is important to strive to work with the medical community to promote progressive lenses with final consumers because we believe that the gap mentioned above is cultural as well as economic/financial.

Specifically, what would be the impact of the development of progressive lenses in the Italian market?

 The development of the market for progressive lenses in Italy would have a positive impact on the production of eyewear as a whole, including the segments of contact lenses and spectacles. Let’s not forget that this sector is still driven by Italian production. Today, thanks to the contribution of all the players in the supply chain, we can offer Italian consumers a high added-value, highly qualified solution and technological solution, that is very often Made in Italy.