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The finale of “Force Student of the Year” is scheduled for May 2021.

The finale of “Force Student of the Year” is scheduled for May 2021.

The annual contest held by CooperVision Force (Future Ocular Research Creativity Event) is back - the event that brings together the best students from schools and universities all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa, as they battle it out to become “Force Student of the Year”.

All the projects are assessed by a panel of experts in the optical industry, ready for the finale of the 2020 event - despite the delay caused by the Covid crisis, this will take place in May 2021 at the Innovation Centre of CooperVision in Budapest, Hungary.

The lucky winner will receive the opportunity to participate in an international conference on contact lenses, and have the chance to present or publish his/her research project, with all participation fees being covered by CooperVision.
