The Board of Directors of Safilo Group S.p.A. confirms Angelo Trocchia as CEO.
The new Board of Directors, held on April, 29 for the first time, just after its appointment by today Shareholders’ Meeting, confirmed Angelo Trocchia as Chief Executive Officer.
The Board also proceeded to ascertain the independence requirements established by the combined provisions of articles 147-ter, paragraph 4, and 148, paragraph 3, of the TUF and Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code for the directors Ines Mazzilli, Cinzia Morelli-Verhoog, Irene Boni and Matthieu Brisset.
The Board of Directors finally appointed the members of Control and Risk Committee, the Sustainability Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and the Transactions with Related Parties Committee.
In particular: Ines Mazzilli, Matthieu Brisset and Melchert F. Groot, all non-executive and the first two also independent, were appointed as members of the Control and Risk Committee;
the directors Eugenio Razelli, Angelo Trocchia and Katia Buja, and the managers of the Group Vladimiro Baldin, Fabio Roppoli and Marco Cella were appointed as members of the Sustainability Committee;
Cinzia Morelli-Verhoog, Irene Boni and Jeffrey A. Cole, all non-executive and the first two also independent, were appointed as members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee;
Ines Mazzilli, Cinzia Morelli-Verhoog and Matthieu Brisset, all non-executive and independent, were appointed as members of the Transactions with Related Parties Committee.