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The 2021 goal of Okia is to recycle and turn in into eyewear one million of bottles.

The 2021 goal of Okia is to recycle and turn in into eyewear one million of bottles.

Thanks to the launch of the Reshape project to produce eyewear entirely made of 100% recycled PET material from plastic bottles, Okia never stops its commitment in promoting a green attitude, on the contrary it raises the bar to reach this ambitious target this year.

Each Reshape model is made from 5 recycled water bottles and includes lenses which are biodegraded into water, carbon and biomass. According to the recent upgrade in the technology, with this material it is possible to produce eyewear even thinner and ultralight, very flexible and with a wider color range.

“According to recent trends, fashion brands aim to be 100% sustainable by 2025. I’m proud to say that we have been really pioneer in this subject when we launched the Reshape material two years ago” says Jacky Lam, Managing Director at Okia.

Moving into PET will shift the industry forward, keeping plastic out of oceans and landfill, and reduce energy, CO2 and oil resources, recycling that will ultimately offer more potential for circularity in the future. Bottles are an abundant global waste stream and a relatively clean and low-chemical feedstock.

