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Six models for effective communication.

Six models for effective communication.

Every advertising era tends to feature one or more leitmotivs and the post-Covid era, with its very particular characteristics, is no exception. Nowadays it is essential to transform communication activity into a business opportunity, focusing on real needs of consumers who are increasingly demanding and even intransigent. 

Through analysis of online data regarding advertising trends in other fields (food, design, fashion and health) and research in the optical-eyewear industry, Wmido has identified six models for successful communication, tracing strategies taken in the eyewear sector.

1 Positiveness

The global mood is to leave the pandemic behind us and look to the future with optimism. A carefree attitude, entertainment, the desire to socialise and forget our worries, all help us to be hopeful and trust in a better future.

The positive mood has been skilfully interpreted by Etnia Barcelona in the campaign, #benartist: the eyewear company lays out its rebellious and daring nature with a cheerful campaign that celebrates the sensation of adrenaline and desire to enjoy yourself, by remembering the best parties and celebrations held in Barcelona.

2 Save the Planet

The new eco-friendly focus of the brand is reflected in its communication strategy. Its virtuous approach is communicated as an added value, as it represents a response to consumers’ current demands.

Eyewear is increasingly adopting this approach. One interesting project is Sea2See, which presents the 2021 collection in a stunning environment, a reminder of its commitment to preserve the natural world.

3 Common People

The brands entrust common people with their campaigns. New inclusive models are able to represent daily life, thus more easily identifiable for the consumer as they are credible, almost accessible.

Transitions in Italy, for example, has abandoned aspirational models in favour of common people: six different characters, with six different lifestyles, all able to interpret the brand.

4 Aspirational models

Influencers and testimonials continue to play an important role, of course, because they are a model to which people can aspire and imitate. All this is amplified by the power of social media.

An important example of this is the digital campaign by Liu Jo Eyewear, featuring six young Italian actresses.

5 The importance of wellbeing

In our sector, health (especially eye health) has always been crucial. While the pandemic has brought attention to this issue, communication agencies must know how to adapt to the moment, linking to the positive mood and sense of fun in a context of wellness, self-care and sport rather than a more serious medical-health perspective.

The Zeiss project for new DuraVision AntiVirus Platinum UV lenses, the new anti-reflection treatment that actively combats and eliminates 99.9% of potentially harmful viruses and bacteria present on lens surfaces, is a revelation in this sense. The images blend the issues of optical wellbeing with positivity.

6 Multichannel media

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to rely on just one channel of communication: to be effective and reach a larger target, a campaign must make use of different media types. The call to action by our industry cannot fail to follow this model.
