Silhouette's 2021 campaign focuses on the contrasts of nature.

Written by MIDO | 04/21/2021

Nature in all its colourful diversity often takes the form of extraordinary contrasts. Through breathtaking juxtapositions, she puts on unique spectacles that reveal an underlying harmony.

Life is cyclical, with the seasons following one another and creating a symphony of the most beautiful botanica! colours in the natural world. New generations replace older ones. lt's the contrasts of the natural world and humankind within it that make life so remarkable.

Without contrasts, life would be monotonous. They provide a magical law of attraction that holds the entire Universe in balance.

The Contrast by Nature campaign by Silhouette reflects the contrast between the natural and the man-made - with Silhouette's glasses representing the latter. The new campaign features models with a particularly unique and distinctive look. They are wearing the latest Silhouette designs and are positioned in front of bold backgrounds that accentuate the contrasts in nature.

The different colour options used in the visuals represent the campaign message in their own unique ways. Silhouette glasses are produced with extraordinary precision and attention to detail. Quality is evident both in the structure of the materials and the incredible feeling of lightness.

The smallest components are designed and produced to hundredths of a millimetre of precision to forma complete and perfect whole.

In this campaign, Silhouette explores the wonders of nature, celebrates the small things in life and magnifies the contrasts that make the Universe so unique.