Sea2See lands at the port of Marseille
In the second part of a journey to coastal areas and locations connected with the sea, ‘seastainable’ eyewear brand Sea2see visits Marseille in France, shooting in the port alongside the fishing community.
Against the backdrop of the daily work of the fishing industry, and Marseille’s famous fish market – Marché aux Poissons – the photographer and filmmaker, Edouard Valette, worked with local models to create striking visuals which feature Sea2see products created from waste from the sea - underlining Sea2see brand’s commitment to highlighting the coastal environment – and issues of plastic contamination around the globe, even if unseen in daily life.
The words of the founder: François van den Abeele
“It is my hope that by highlighting these coastal environments as part of what we do at Sea2see, and by committing to removing the polluting plastics in the oceans, we can continue to raise awareness about the grave threat they pose to marine life, infiltrating ecosystems and wreaking havoc on fish and wildlife…..by shooting our imagery in these locations a story about our cause and our commitment is unfolding in the most natural way. The plastic waste in the oceans breaks down into smaller particles over time, known as microplastics, which can be ingested by marine life, including fish. As a result, these microplastics can end up in the bodies of fish, and eventually, if we consume those fish, the plastic could make its way into our bodies too…”.