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Safilo Group confirms its support for Special Olympics.

Safilo Group confirms its support for Special Olympics.

The Safilo Group will be supporting Special Olympics, the international non-profit organisation that is dedicated to transforming the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, renewing their partnership for the next three years. It is a partnership that started in 2003, and in the last 18 years has seen the donation of more than one million three hundred thousand prescription glasses and sunglasses to Special Olympics athletes from around the world, as part of the Opening Eyes programme of the Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Foundation.

The support of Safilo Group does not stop with the donation of glasses, but emerges also in the personal commitment of Group employees who have taken part in these years in voluntary roles in practical initiatives linked to the organisation of Opening Eyes events held to assist athletes with intellectual disabilities.

The partnership also offers Special Olympics athletes the opportunity to
benefit from eye tests and referrals for subsequent checks via the Opening Eyes service offered by the Padua group and other sponsors that collaborate in the ophthalmic community.
