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Pramaor joins the international Elite programme

Pramaor joins the international Elite programme

Pramaor has been selected with another 21 outstanding Italian companies, representative of different sectors, to participate in the first Elite Banca Mediolanum Lounge, the result of the strategic agreement between Elite and Banca Mediolanum.

Elite is the international programme run by the London Stock Exchange Group and launched by the Italian Stock Exchange in 2012 in partnership with Confindustria. It is dedicated to ambitious companies with a solid business model and a clear growth strategy.

Elite Lounge is an innovative model of collaboration between Elite and a partner from the banking, consulting or industrial sector, in this case Banca Mediolanum. The goal is to create an exclusive environment within the international Elite network in which the companies are supported in all phases of development, also facilitating access to capital thereby fostering growth on the public and private market.
