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OKIA will bring to MIDO the second edition of the “See The Future” eyewear summit

OKIA will bring to MIDO the second edition of the “See The Future” eyewear summit

OKIA announced, in collaboration with WGSN, the leading global trend forecasting agency, the second edition of the “See The Future” Eyewear Summit that will be held at MIDO 2019. The company decided to follow up on the initiative and launch a new schedule of events with a special focus on green products. On Feb. 23rd and 25th, the “SS20 Eyewear Key Trends” and “The Sustainable Future of Eyewear” workshops will take place. The first presentation will focus on seasonal macro trends that are shaping the market, exploring the key drivers that are affecting our daily lives and influencing our purchasing choices into SS20. WGSN will interpret big picture for eyewear and product development, highlighting the not-to-miss style trends in terms of print and graphic inspiration and key eyewear silhouettes.Following growing consumer commitment for environmental sustainability and circular design economy becoming more and more sophisticated both functionally and aesthetically, the second workshop will present an overview of the sustainable eyewear market today, understanding who’s doing what and where the major innovations are taking place. 
On Feb. 24th the “Highlight of Eyewear Summit 2019” workshop will offer a round up of the key ideas in terms of trends and innovations through a highly visual, engaging and to-the-point presentation.All the eyewear Summit events will be held with the exclusive participation of Helen Sac, Director in Asia Pacific for WGSN.Ph. Jack Lam, OKIA Managing Director