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Music for the eyes: eyewear made from vinyl by Vynilize.

Music for the eyes: eyewear made from vinyl by Vynilize.

We continue our green journey in the world of eyewear with a forerunner of sustainability: Zachary Tipton, founder and creative director of Vynilize. His project, born in 2000, involves the recovery and reuse of old vinyl to create high-design glasses, as Tipton tells us in this interview.

How did the idea of creating glasses using old vinyls come about? 
It was out of necessity! I was exploring materials and I found my father's old record collection. The vinyl records were the perfect size.

What was the first album you used?
If I remember correctly, it was a Creedence Clearwater Revival album.

Where do you find the vinyl records?
We source dum-destined vinyl from distributors. Libraries and collectors donate them to us.

How do you select them? Do you follow any criteria?
The vinyl must be no older than 10 years (old vinyl becomes brittle like acetate!) and at least one side must be scratch free. Old vinyl gets recycled into cases, boxes, mirrors, cards and display stands.

What production difficulties did you encounter?
Protecting the surface of the material so the grooves are pristine when the clients get their glasses

How quickly do you create a pair of glasses?
Currently, it takes about 6 weeks. 

How many vinyls do you recycle each year?
More than 3 tons. That comes to about 30,000 records.

What about the packaging?
Now our packaging is 80% plastic free. Starting September 100% of our packaging will be biodegradable (single use plastic free).
