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MIDO 2021 | Wonders are ahead: here’s the first two events.

MIDO 2021 | Wonders are ahead: here’s the first two events.

MIDO 2021 | Digital Edition will take place from Saturday 5 to Monday 7 June. It will be a new 360° format that will guarantee an innovative experience thanks to the new platform online since 28 May.

MIDO 2021 | Digital Edition has several opportunities and initiatives in store: a special show with a high emotional impact, “A new way of seeing”, will open the event on June 5 at 11.00 a.m. (CEST) with a special guest; the photographer Albert Watson who, from his point of view, will narrate the transformative moment the world is going through and the new ways of seeing everything that surrounds us: beauty, living together, nature, technology, and the future.

The event scheduled for June 6 at 12.00 a.m. (CEST) goes straight to the heart of MIDO, addressing two fundamental aspects of the eyewear industry: fashion and design through the encounter of 5 talents from different worlds, 4 successful representatives of the fashion world and 4 promising designers in the sector.



