Luxottica Chair in Chinese Market and Business Development at the Bocconi University

Written by MIDO | 12/01/2019

Luxottica has signed an agreement with Milan’s Bocconi University to establish a five-year professorship, the Luxottica Chair in Chinese Market and Business Development. The new post has been awarded to Fabrizio Perretti, Full Professor of the Department of Management and Technology.

China is becoming an increasingly important market on the global stage. The aim of the professorship is accordingly to provide an opportunity for understanding the changes that are driving this market, and the direct and indirect impact this is having on other countries, particularly Europe and Italy. The post will also tackle the need to analyse social and economic situations in China and Asia in general, along with the importance of local community involvement, and devising innovative approaches that respect and take into account cultural diversity.

The strategic partnership is another landmark in the partnership between Luxottica and Bocconi. It also includes innovative research, annual reports, periodic meetings and challenges or contests with the students.