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Luxol celebrates 50 years

Luxol celebrates 50 years

Luxol, the eyewear manufacturer, celebrated its fiftieth anniversary on 25 October 2019. And to mark this momentous occasion, the company from Cadore celebrated with its employees.

“This event, which was held in October, was organised primarily to thank all those who have worked with us and helped us reach this milestone” said Piera Da Rin Vidal, co-owner of Luxol and head of sales Italy and communication. The celebration was attended by the company’s current employees and their families, as well as the workers who, in 1969, contributed to the very first chapter in Luxol’s history.

The company is currently led by the second generation of entrepreneurs and has preserved the same spirit that has characterised it since establishment: a family-run business whose workers, whatever their position, are just as much a part of that family. Today more than 60 people work at Luxol, which is still headquartered in Lozzo di Cadore, writing the next chapter of the Luxol history. “We have never left Cadore purely to increase our profit margins, as this place has given us the chance to realise our dreams and we wanted to reiterate this with the heartfelt slogan we chose to celebrate the first 50 years of our company’s history: ‘Our roots are our anchor for the future’”, commented Piera Da Rin Vidal. “In the past fifty years the eyewear business has changed dramatically; our company has grown but our anchor has always been our passion for quality glasses, crafted with meticulous care by expert hands using state-of-the-art technologies. It takes more than 60 stages to produce a pair of glasses and it is thanks to this that all our products are of the highest technical standard and are comfortable and reliable. We devote the same care and expert attention to the stylistic and aesthetic aspects of our creations”, she concluded.


Luxol currently produces 3 collections with proprietary brands: Trama, Nos e Luxol 19.69

which are sold in Italy and abroad.
