Less plastic is fantastic

Written by MIDO | 06/12/2019

Like many companies in the sector, Area98, which has always been attentive to environmental factors, has decided to conform to the policy of safeguarding the ecosystem by introducing important changes with regards to the use of plastic packaging and materials. The idea is to reduce our use of plastic in favour of eco-friendly packaging, without sacrificing the safe and risk-free sending of our goods. In fact, our Shipping Department is studying what the winning solutions might be in order to combine the safety and aesthetics of the final product with packaging that is more attentive to respecting the environment. Area 98 is very sensitive to global dynamics and listens carefully to the opinions and needs of its customers. There have been numerous customers who have offered us various, valid ideas for optimizing the packaging of our glasses and the accompanying merchandise, which would speed up the process of packing and unpacking for both sides of the business event. Since the beginning of this year, Area 98 has already reduced the consumption of plastic used for our packaging by 25%. Within two years it plans to have reduced the total use of plastic by 75%. Today, all our packaging is already 100% recyclable. However, we can do more: By 2021 we will be able to put into practice the use of biodegradable packaging materials by replacing those recyclable ones. Another step that is decidedly in favour of the environment. Area 98’s Marketing Department is carrying out a thorough investigation, interviewing its most loyal customers in order to collect further suggestions. t: