Immagine98 participates in the exhibition by OltreDesign

Written by MIDO | 04/23/2019

On 12 April 2019, the second OltreDesign exhibition was inaugurated in Treviso at the Robegan House, an exhibition of sensory experience, to learn about iconic objects of established designers on the international scene, but also new trends with products related to the most famous companies of our territory. Immagine98, a historic and well-established company in the eyewear world, takes part in the exhibition with two models that highlight the characteristics of its brands, craftsmanship and mastery in the creation of sophisticated and unique frames. The Cannareggio model, an oversized, squared, elegant and sophisticated piece of feminine eyewear, is embellished on the temples by a Murano glass insert, which makes it unique and precious.

The Fellini model, a masculine pair of glasses that shows the quality of the study of the frame by Immagine98 and of the technologies used. A minimalist round model with clean lines. In a world in which new objects are produced for immediate consumption and trends keep on changing, what is recognizable today won’t be recognizable tomorrow.

They are a reflection of the present, without being a vision of the future. They have no time to show their iconic character, because nowadays there is no room for icons. Let's try to stop, to observe the object entering the conceptuality of those who conceived it, imagining it in time and space, in its projection. The OltreDesign collection does not impose precise paths, but combines iconic objects with innovative projects. In this way, it gives birth to an imaginary perhaps born by chance but able to tell possible stories about Italian design.





oltreDesign: objects chosen among icons and new trends