Franco Sordelli: 50 years alongside MIDO.

Written by MIDO | 03/13/2022

The Franco Sordelli firm has presented every edition of MIDO and, with the 2022 edition, wishes to send out a message to an industry that, like many others in the last few years, has suffered from global circumstances, as well as offering evidence of how it is possible to create a sustainable business plan and, gradually, implement it to become protagonists of change.

Ready to explain the company’s eco-commitment is its Commercial Manager, Dino Sordelli: “For years, Franco Sordelli has invested in photovoltaic technology in order to manage its own production with clean energy, to protect the environment. Last year, 30% of the energy used was self-generated and we decided to substitute plastic packaging for all our items with corn-based materials. Furthermore, we are carrying out research and testing many new eco-friendly materials that can satisfy our standards of quality and aesthetics”.

Backing up Dino’s message is Tommaso Bossetti, Creative Director of the SNOB Milano in-house collection: “ To this end, as of this season, every SNOB Milano pair of glasses will use ZEISS Sunlens made in eco-friendly nylon created with bio-based materials, and managed with a mass-balance approach and renewable electric energy resources. This new sustainable material maintains the characteristics, high quality standards and optical performance of the previous polyamide material, and we are pleased to be able to continue offering a high quality product to our customers, while also taking another step forward in our sustainability process. The climate-friendly Zeiss Sunlens, along with the display stands in sustainable packaging, are small links in a chain that we are proudly putting together, piece by piece,
to create the least possible impact on the environment for the greater benefit of everyone.