Employees of De Rigo Vision and De Rigo Refrigeration receive bonuses for a total sum of €1.2 million.

Written by MIDO | 04/12/2022

Ennio and Emiliana De Rigo, at the head of De Rigo Group, wished to display their empathy and affection for the employees of De Rigo Vision and De Rigo Refrigeration by personally allocating a special bonus to the staff, equivalent to a total sum of €1.2 million. The bonus will be distributed in April to 870 workers and office employees of the group in Italy, up to job level 6/B3.

Ennio De Rigo, Order of Merit for Labour and Chairperson of the De Rigo Group, commented on the decision as follows: Our Group is made up of individuals, and we feel a sense of moral responsibility towards those people. Precisely for this reason, in a historic moment which is so complex and difficult, we immediately decided to do something, for our people.

His sentiments are echoed by Emiliana De Rigo, Vice Chairperson of the Group: We are part of our community. The relationship that we have with the people who work in De Rigo has always been close, as a family-run business, and could not be otherwise. We believe in these values and we try to transmit them to the people who work with us.