Election and confirmations for ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale.
The members of ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, organiser of the Compasso D’Oro design award - have reconfirmed Luciano Galimberti as President by acclamation, together with a Governing Council that includes Umberto Cabini (Vice President and candidate for the presidency of the ADI Collection Compasso d’Oro Foundation), Antonella Andriani (Vice President), Marco Predari (Treasurer), Marika Aakesson, Vincenzo Castellana, Adriana Cruciatti, Perla Gianni Falvo, and Carlo Malerba.
The election of the ADI governing bodies, which will remain in office for the next three years, took place this year in a particularly delicate moment: not only due to the pandemic, but above all due to the complex growth process that the association has undertaken with the founding of the ADI Design Museum.
The election of the Governing Council took place in the museum itself, which is now ready to welcome the historical Compasso d’Oro collection.