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Desio supports the fight against the coronavirus

Desio supports the fight against the coronavirus

Desio, the Italian brand in the field of colored contact lenses, has willingly decided to support the Lombardy Region in the fight against Coronavirus with an important donation. The Lombardy based company has acted on the appeal of the Region and donated € 100.000,00 to deal with the Covid-19 emergency.

“Many say that we are at war against an invisible enemy and although I have fortunately not experienced any conflict up close, this is the feeling that takes me every time I learn the numbers of this terrible epidemic from TV or social media. Giving help to those most in need has always been an integral part of our philosophy and in the face of this emergency that is hitting our country so hard, we could not stand still and watch. We wanted to do what the heart told us: to give. And so we did: we gave concrete support to those who put their lives at risk every day to fight this terrible emergency (doctors, nurses, police forces ...)," explained the CEO, Tereza Uhrova. "On our social channels, we have activated a campai- gn aimed at raising awareness among our partners, customers and our followers about this terrible epidemic that is affecting Italy and the rest of the world so that they too, as much as they can, make their contribution to the cause. Those who work with me know as well as I think: I believe that the most important thing is not to be the biggest and the strongest, but to be full of courage and generosity. Each of us, with his or her own contribution, can help make a difference“.

Desio has always been active in the world of aiding charity and there are several organizations that it has supported over the years. In addition to Terre des Hom-mes, Desio continuously supports Sightsavers, the non-profit international organisation that fights avoidable blindness and supports people with disabilities in developing countries.
