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Craving MIDO: a talk with Omisan Farmaceutici.

Craving MIDO: a talk with Omisan Farmaceutici.

MIDO is back, in person and in complete safety, at the Fiera Milano Rho venue from 12 to 14 February 2022. The event is set to be a must-do for the whole sector, both in terms of its role as a privileged observatory and as an international point of reference in the worlds of design, fashion, culture and business. MIDO is also a hub that reflects an entire industry, for reflection and rethinking about eyewear in all its aspects and details, a showcase for final users. As the next important edition approaches, we have interviewed some of the key players.

Today we give the floor to Alessia Bellotti, Marketing Manager of Omisan farmaceutici.

Your group launched a significant acquisition plan this year. How is it progressing?

An Italian company on the market for over 20 years as the official supplier of eye care products to the most important multinationals in the ophthalmic sector, Omisan Farmaceutici recently became a main player also directly with its own brands and products specifically created for the optics channel.

Some years ago, a strategic plan was launched for penetrating this sector. It culminated in the acquisition of 100% of Schalcon SpA, an historic company founded in 1977 and the first Italian company to invest in the production of contact lenses and eye care products for which it has been the leader in Italy for many years.

Together, Omisan Farmaceutici and Schalcon now present all top optometrists a complete offer that sums up the best of the two companies and aims to be the reference supplier of the modern outlet, where the professional is the expert in handling eyesight wellbeing and the symptoms of dry eye.

What are your latest financial data?

Omisan Farmaceutici closed the first six months of 2021 with a significant increase of over 15% in sales compared to the same period of 2020. Thanks to recent acquisitions the group’s turnover stood at more than €30 million in over 70 countries throughout the world, it employs 160 people and is now securely established as one of the top 10 in the sector at the European level and one of the few companies with facilities for manufacturing solutions and contact lenses in Europe.

What are your reference markets?

Omisan Farmaceutici has always invested in the national and international optics channel. Thanks to the collaboration with renowned universities, numerous strong points characterise the line of products that opticians can count on to capture the attention of consumers: tear film substitutions and integrators based on hyaluronic acid; eye drops with flower extracts for red eye conditions; contact lens preservation systems in the exclusive patented bottles with incorporated lens container and therefore with low impact on the environment; contacts lenses of all types.

Why did you decide to confirm your presence at MIDO 2022?

MIDO is the biggest international event dedicated to the global eyewear sector that encompasses the optics universe in general. That’s why it is a unique event for us and an important showcase for a growing company like ours. The world has changed and the new situations we have to face have brought a new awareness and a new way of considering business and the future of our company characterised by large investments.

During this particular period, our eyes have also been subjected to strain and Omisan Farmaceutici has responded quickly by offering a range of products with a unique common dominator: eye wellbeing and health, which has always been the company’s core business.

In addition to masks, smart working, distance learning and the prolonged use of digital devices, eye strain increases exponentially and is now one of the major causes of dry eye.

In recent months, statistics have shown a countertrend with regard to tear substitutes, one of the few products with growing sales.

What will you present at MIDO?

A comprehensive and modern stand, the result of the new corporate situation, and a complete range of products that includes the new ContactVis contact lenses, thereby expanding the already rich Schalcon portfolio, and Sodyal tear substitutes for eye wellbeing and health, based on hyaluronic acid specifically created for all problems associated with dry eye. The latter is certainly a highly interesting opportunity for all optical outlets.

The six tear substitutes, the new spray and the three all-in-one solutions for contacts in the Sodyal line, have a practical indicator system: a number scale (from 1 to 5) and colour scale (from green to red) make the characteristics of the specific product direct, intuitive and immediately visible to the professional, thereby providing the opportunity to optimise choices from among the different combinations of lubricating strength, level of viscosity and duration on the surface of the eye and also make them understandable by the end user.

This diversification is obtained through the use of a specific viscosifier like hyaluronic acid, the best hydrating agent and lubricant in terms of performance and bio-compatibility in different concentrations and molecular weights. This system supports optometrists in choosing the most suitable product for every instance of eye discomfort, helps them to suggest its use to all those patients whose vision wellbeing is subjected to considerable stress by the new ways of working and studying.
