Craving MIDO: a talk with Kirk & Kirk.

Written by MIDO | 03/17/2022

MIDO is back, in person and in complete safety, at the Fiera Milano Rho venue from 30 April to 2 May 2022. The event is set to be a must-do for the whole sector, both in terms of its role as a privileged observatory and as an international point of reference in the worlds of design, fashion, culture and business. MIDO is also a hub that reflects an entire industry, for reflection and rethinking about eyewear in all its aspects and details, a showcase for final users. As the next important edition approaches, we have interviewed some of the key players.

Today we give the floor to Jason Kirk, founder and CEO of Kirk & Kirk.

Where does your passion for optometry come from?

The Kirk family have been in optics for over a hundred years, constantly trying to drive the industry forward. Being brought up in that atmosphere is extremely inspiring.

How has the brand evolved over the years?

Our goal is to excite the market. We quickly learned to target a specific audience by listening to our clients and today we sell in about five hundred independent opticians in over forty countries.

What do you think about the role MIDO plays in the global optics landscape?

MIDO attratcts a diverse international audience. In 2022, holding a physical MIDO event is symbolic of our industry re-awakening.

Would you give us some previews of what you will be presenting at MIDO 2022?

We will present our Centiles Collection for the first time at a major international show alongside new shapes and colours in the Kaleidoscope and Centena Collections.

What’s next for Kirk & Kirk?

In April we launch a communication campaign that will raise visibility of Kirk & Kirk and drive traffic to our optician clients. We are constantly evolving new eyewear but also invest in our digital presence to raise the value of optics in the heart of the consumer.