Cottet si è aggiudicato la seconda edizionel del premio YOUR BESTORE.

Written by MIDO | 05/29/2022


BESTORE is the competition held by MIDO to select the best eyewear stores worldwide. There are two award categories: BESTORE DESIGN, for stores which stand out in terms of how the lay-out, materials, design, furnishing and general atmosphere contribute to a must-try shopping experience, and BESTORE INNOVATION which evaluates all aspects linked to customer service, interaction with customers and suppliers, communication management, the history of the retail store and its professional, human and emotional aspects.
An international judging panel (comprising industry entrepreneurs, visual merchandisers, design experts and designers) has the difficult task of choosing the very best in these two categories.

These are flanked by the award YOUR BESTORE, in its second edition this year, a title which goes to the eyewear store which has received the greatest number of ‘likes’ on the digital platform of MIDO 2022 | Digital Edition.

Today we meet Cottet of Barcelona (Spain), winner of YOUR BESTORE award.


Is this your first time applying for an award?

Not at all! We’ve applied for many different kinds of awards during our 120 years of history, and have been awarded several times.

What do you think about the BESTORE Award initiative?

It’s a very good idea to promote best practices in retail.

Why did you choose to compete in the YOUR BESTORE category?

For more than a century our flagship store was for more than a century in Portal de l’Angel, of Barcelona, and for Cottet it was a really hard and difficult decision to move it the flagship to this new location. We are very proud of what we have done, especially with this store: every day… our clients day by day confirm to us that the new flagship store is better than the old one, which holds where they had lots of memories for them. For us, winning the BESTORE AWARD is like the cherry on the cake for this strategic change we did made back on in 2019, and we are very thankful as it’ it is a really important prize for us!

Would you describe your optical center to us?

We planned projected and designed the store with the aim of offering to offer our clients the best optical shopping experience, where they can find all the services and the best products in a cosy and welcoming space that ha, with the essence and the heritage of our brand, Cottet.

What prompted visitors to the MIDO 2022 | Digital Edition digital platform to vote for your store?

Only the voters can give us an answer to that, but I’m pretty sure they could feel the essence of the store through the pictures and the description itself. I encourage all of the them to come to Barcelona and visit us at Rambla Catalunya 8, where they will experience the live the real thing.