Process of defining ANFAO governance completed

Written by MIDO | 06/17/2024

As planned at the beginning of her term, Lorraine Berton, now ANFAO President, also became president of the subsidiary IES Srl, the service company which successfully manages a number of activities, including MIDO | Milano Eyewear Show.

Last July, pending the appearance of a valid candidate as ANFAO President, the Association renewed the outgoing bodies of the Srl with an interim Board of Directors to ensure management continuity. The Board of Directors chaired by Giovanni Vitaloni, ANFAO's Past President, thus took office in the prospect of a subsequent changeover with ANFAO’s future political leaders, in the manner and at the time deemed most suitable and propitious.

Once the MIDO 2024 edition had been successfully concluded and all the association's activities were under way, the time was right for President Berton to take over. Thanks to the close cooperation and joint efforts of Lorraine Berton and Giovanni Vitaloni, the procedure for defining the governance was completed, ensuring a smooth transition and strategic continuity in managing the initiatives of the entire ANFAO system.

"I would like to thank Giovanni Vitaloni for his work over these years, during which I have had the pleasure of collaborating and working actively with him at the helm of ANFAO and IES Srl. The dedication and commitment shown by everybody have proved a crucial contribution to the success of MIDO and ANFAO’s activities. The projects launched during his term of office will be a stimulus to further improve and replicate his success in the years to come," said President Berton.

"I am confident that under Lorraine Berton's leadership," remarked Vitaloni, "IES will continue to achieve new goals and promote our industry's excellence. I would like to thank all those who have worked with me over the past 10 years, facing challenges that were not easy and contributing to the many successes achieved. I wish the new team well in their activities, with the primary objective of working for the good of the companies in our industry”.