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Blackfin: a message per the re-start

Blackfin: a message per the re-start

"In this particular moment, that has no precedent in our recent history, we had time to think about ourselves again, to strengthen the foundations of that awareness that allowed us, more than ten years ago, to give shape to the Blackfin dream. We are not here to tell you that it will be easy to re-start, these would be simply empty words. But we want to tell you with strength and confidence that it will only be possible by believing in ourselves, in our values, in our education and in our history”.

The wordsof CEO Nicola Del Din carry the message that the brand wants to share with its clients, stakeholders and the entire eyewear sector.

A relaunch message that acknowledges awareness of the difficulties, along with the eagerness of those who are ready to start up again, because they know they have the momentum to get right back into action, building on the company’s core assets: absolute independence; extreme integrity of mountain people; authentically Italian domestic production,people-centric, with shared values and culture; a half-century of experience; steady vision; exclusive product; superior material, titanium, the Blackfin DNA; flexible dynamism, the company’s independence allows it to respond immediately to market changes and drives its ability to tailor its response to customer needs; true sustainability, taking shape in the new production and corporate headquarters building nearing completion –in its original location –the first certified KlimaHaus [ClimateHouse] Work & Life in the Veneto Region.
