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At MIDO Area98 revealed the five finalists of the Coco Song Award

At MIDO Area98 revealed the five finalists of the Coco Song Award

On the occasion of MIDO, Area98 announced the names of the 5 finalist projects of the second edition of the Coco Song Award, a competition promoted by Area98 in collaboration with the Harim Euromediterranean Academy to offer young talented designers the opportunity to give their own interpretation of the famous Coco Song collection.The panel of experts in the sector received more than 30 projects, they carefully examined and evaluated them for their level of uniqueness, wearability and marketability, as well as for their conformity with the reference brand's target and the overall quality of the proposal from the design to the realization.The names of the 5 finalist projects of the award are: "Sumi-E" by Elisa Sanfilippo, "Fen Gang" by Irene Sapienza, "Sun-Mao" by Francesca Cannella, "Shadow" by Annalisa Miceli and "Landscape" by Michela Randis.All the proposals received are characterized by an in-depth study of the material, of the arts and of the oriental traditions as well as by the innovative shapes and colors. Just think, for example, of the "Sumi-E" model, in which the proposal is a natural landscape recreated on the temple; it is to be done on rice paper and the landscape depicts two cranes, symbol of longevity, and always considered in the Orient as the messenger of the immortals in the sky. The materials chosen for the "Sun-Mao" eyewear, such as the black ceramics on the front, instead, recall the classic geometric decorations of Chinese architecture, while the two quartz pins in "Tiger’s eye" were designed to allow the movement of the temples. The proposal of "Landscape" is also highly innovative, proposing an interchangeable acetate mask with a system of magnets.The 5 prototypes, currently under construction, will be presented during the Madeinmedi Fashion Show organized by the Harim Euromediterranean Academy, which, this year, will be held on June 8th at the Viagrande Studios Center in Catania. The official announcement of the winner of the Coco Song Award will take place by the end of September.The panel expressed great satisfaction, as did also Area98 that is very enthusiastic about the development of the project and the new creative ideas offered by the young people, as well as the success that the contest had inside and outside the company.