An excellent start to 2024 for Omisan Farmaceutici
The Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza (ITQF - German Institute for Quality and Finance) of Munich - a leading independent body in Europe in the field of quality surveys - has published its latest report “Champions of Growth” in Italian newspaper La Repubblica’s Affari & Finanza (Business & Finance) supplement. This report identifies 800 companies with growth levels well above the Italian average in the last three years (2020-2023).
Again in 2023, Omisan Farmaceutici was selected as one of the top Italian companies thanks to its significant growth rate (24% annual average). This recognition underlines the stability and sustainabiity of the business growth period that the company is currently enjoying.
Christian Bieker, Manager of ITQF, told Affari & Finanza: "Our goal is to raise visibility of Italian companies that are driving the economy, thanks to their dynamic nature that boosts both the economy and society. Being a company in a strong growth period often means being able to move from small-scale operations to a successful company that aims to become a market leader in its own field. The growth of each individual company has an infectious impact on performance of the entire manufacturing industry, essential in establishing the competitive edge of the country as a whole.”