Alberto Burri's Grande Cretto is the background for Blackfin's campaign.

Written by MIDO | 07/05/2020

After debuting its ad campaign in January, Blackfin releases the Timeless Memories video. The narrative draws inspiration from “Notes from Underground” by Fyodor Dostoevsky, the literary masterpiece in which the Russian author reflects upon the human spirit, exploring the ways in which the characters’ external circumstances and innermost feelings influence their behavior, pushing their psychological complexities to the surface.

Now, an inner journey unfolds in the sequence of images and resonates in the narrator’s voice, which reminds us how all individuals carry memories within themselves and these memories are the essence of what we are today and will be tomorrow.

The Grande Cretto of Alberto Burri

Like the backdrop for the photo campaign, the setting for the video is the Grande Cretto in Sicily, the land art created by Alberto Burri on the ruins of the city of Gibellina, destroyed by a catastrophic earthquake in 1968.

The visual sequence alternates the Cretto images with those of the eyewear models, creating a kind of fusion of the two – on one hand, the Sicilian site, which is not only the background but also reveals its living aspects, thanks to its dramatic historic, emotional and artistic significance – and, on the other hand, Blackfin, which, on the heels of the devastating pandemic of the last few months, is ready to begin again, confident in an authentic corporate culture that is based on the certainty of those who know their own history encapsulates the profound values and ethics required to look to the future.

The company's statements

We wanted the Timeless Memories video to embody the kind of introspective tension that has permeated us all and it was not easy to imbue it with dynamic momentum. From a material perspective, the Cretto is a static milieu but, at the same time, its narrative intensity is almost metaphysical. Our aim was to find the balance between these two opposites and convey the powerful sense of alienation the place radiates. Perhaps more than alienation, introspection. Within the walls of the Grande Cretto, you find yourself forced to come to terms with your most deeply-rooted emotions," commented Blackfin Marketing Manager, Simone Favero.