Adieu, Monsieur Bertrand Roy.

Written by MIDO | 07/11/2022

In the early hours between Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th July, Mr. Bertrand Roy, vice president of Silmo, passed away.

Roy was a leading figure in the optical industry. Driven by an impeccable level of professionalism, he entered the Essilor Group in 1987, and occupied a number of key management positions. He also played a fundamental role in the business strategy and acquisition policy of Essilor, displaying constant care and attention to his colleagues.

Always actively involved in the dynamics of the French market, he became Chairman of Asnav in May 2003 and was also Director of Gifo.

The Chairman of MIDO, Giovanni Vitaloni, and all the staff remember Mr. Roy with deep affection and esteem, offering their most heartfelt condolences to his family and colleagues at Silmo.