Mido will host the first Eye Health Awareness Day
The first event dedicated to sight prevention worldwide will be held at Otticlub on Sunday, 25 February, at 2.00 pm. This unique occasion is designed to create synergies between the various international associations and government bodies that specialise in the topic. It offers an opportunity to share experiences and find insightful messages studied to build awareness both in the wider public and in regulatory institutions.
Barely a month before Never Ending Wonder, which promises to be fully booked, MIDO has decided to strengthen its role as a generator of culture by making a powerful statement. Hence, this unprecedented event, the Eye Health Awareness Day, the first day dedicated to sight prevention worldwide. The event, which will be held at Otticlub, is scheduled for Sunday, 25 February in the afternoon.
“Many associations and actors are committed to sight prevention,” said Giovanni Vitaloni, Chairman of MIDO. “Unfortunately coordination and information exchange are inadequate between the various associations, institutions, foundations and organisations that take care of our eyes. Hence, MIDO would like to converge the various parties present on the international scene of sight prevention, encouraging them to share experiences, projects and best practices in view of enhancing the efficacy of actions and messages, also through new forms of cooperation between actors in the sector”, said the Chairman.
International actors who have a common interest in promoting eye health will contribute by participating in the event. Representatives from the World Health Organisation, the Italian Ministry of Health and the European Commission will also attend the meeting.
Speakers will have the opportunity to describe their experience to a qualified audience made up of MIDO’s international visitors, namely opticians, distributors, professional operators, manufacturers of lenses and spectacles, ophthalmologists, the press, bloggers, opinion leaders specialised in the sector. The scope of the initiative is to define common points for cooperation.
The heart of the event will be the round table conference that will highlight key points identified by the discussion. This will provide the foundation to draw up a genuine “joint manifesto” stating common goals and key messages.
“We hope that the first Eye Health Awareness Day will establish the premises for an international sensitisation campaign that will define a set of joint actions in each national context, thus contributing to adopt a stronger position towards institutional actors”, concluded Giovanni Vitaloni.