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Kuboraum and Danilo's Bucchi art

Kuboraum and Danilo's Bucchi art

The Berlin eyewear brand Kuboraum unveiled its joint project with the contemporary artist Danilo Bucchi, based on the strong desire of creative exchange and mutual esteem between the artist and the Kuboraum founders Livio Graziottin and Sergio Eusebi.

The collection of ten unique one-of-a-kind masks has been presented at Monocle Eyewear Gallery, inside the heart of Rome. Emphasizing the conceptual aspect of eyewear, Bucchi chooses three distinctive and iconic Kuboraum designs working directly on the acetate masks with various techniques of incisions, resining, collage and bas-relief. The artist adds an extra dimension to the masks, leaving signs of his pictorial gesture in the three dimensional space.

These uniquely crafted sculptural pieces of art are exhibited in their own custom-made iron and perspex display cases, accompanied by a polaroid of the mask, signed by Danilo Bucchi and are on show until the end of January.
