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The photographs of Vivian Maier in Milan

The photographs of Vivian Maier in Milan

Vivian Maier, the photographic success who conquered the world, arrives for the first time in Milan with a photography exhibition by Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia in collaboration with the Milan Chamber of Commerce and Contrasto. Curated by Anne Morin and Alessandra Mauro in collaboration with Chroma Photography, the exhibition features 120 black and white photographs from the '50s and '60s along with a selection of coloured images from the '70s. There are also a number of super 8 mm films that show Vivian Maier in action. Nanny by profession and photographer by vocation, she never abandoned her Rolleiflex, yet her photographs were never publicly displayed whilst she was alive. The majority of her rolls were undeveloped, Vivian Maier apparently photographed just for her own pleasure.