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Transitions announces the launch of Healthy Sight Institue

Transitions announces the launch of Healthy Sight Institue

Transitions Optical Inc. has announced the creation of the Healthy Sight Institute, an initiative to offer information and training for optics and health specialists. Supported by Transitions Optical, the Healthy Sight Institute is headed by an International Board of Directors whose members are more than 25 important doctors and optics specialists. Its aim is to protect and maintain Visual Well Being for all.

Initially, the Healthy Sight Institute will work as a dynamic centre of knowledge for optics specialists (, by making available online a vast range of resources and information on the protection of global and vision health. The site will be a rich source of updating and clinical publications, training courses for optics specialists, as well as information instruments for the public. Resting on the competence of the members of the Board of Directors in various disciplines, the website of the Healthy Sight Institute will provide also a forum for training and collaboration among specialists of health and sight, the leaders of the optical industry, those who specialize in the policies concerning such subjects and the public, to foster the understanding of proactive and preventive choices in the care of eyesight.

The Healthy Sight Institute acknowledges the close tie that connects Visual Well Being and global health, it provides instruments and an ideal environment to help health specialists improve the quality of the life of their patients, to acquire and safeguard Visual Well Being for the entire life. Like physical well being, Visual Well Being is an essential element for global health. Apart from the website, the Healthy Sight Institute will implement specific initiatives to deal with matters concerning vision and Visual Well Being. At first it will deal with problems specific to women and children.

'I am happy and honored to work with Transitions Optical and with the Healthy Sight Institute to inform and sensitize the public on the importance of prevention and care of the problems of the eyesight', says Sheila Johnson, well known philanthropist and Healthy Sight Ambassador at today's press conference. 'I have been working for years to fight global poverty and improve the economic and physical conditions of women and children in the world. Eyesight is a fundamental element to lead a productive life and invest in the future. As groups highly at risk for the well being of the eyesight, women and children must be at the centre of our campaign and of our actions' .

Bette Zaret, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing, Transitions Optical, explained how the Healthy Sight Institute will contribute in such project. 'We hope that the Healthy Sight Institute can serve as a reference forum for arising awareness with the aim of sensitizing the public to the improvement and the protection of their eyesight, giving the care of the eyes the attention it deserves as a fundamental issue on an international level' declares Ms. Zaret. 'For this reason Transitions Optical focuses on this mission and has had a determining role uniting a group of health and vision specialists from all over the world to share their knowledge and favor positive changes'.

Visit for information on the members of the Board of Directors.
