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Speaking to teenagers about contact lenses, to encourage them to use and try them, in their own language, using their expressions and means is the mission of Focus Dailies's new project:, on-line from November, the center of an innovative approach.

The site created by Focus Dailies aims to get teenagers genuinely involved, with a simple, but effective explanation of how lenses are used. The informative section was conceived to deal simply and directly with fears and doubts regarding contact lenses, which are often caused by a lack of information, also by parents.

The most technical subjects are made accessible by web pages dedicated to the following topics:
-'Tu come ci vedi?' (How do you see?) - describes the most common visual pathologies in young people
-'Come le usi?' (How do you use them?) - a points guide on how to use and remove daily contact lenses
-'Quali vantaggi?' (What advantages) - highlights the moments when contact lenses offer greater freedom and comfort
-'Dove le trovi?' (Where can you find them?)- offers a practical locator to find the nearest optical sales outlet
-'Domande?' (Questions) - deals with the main stereotypes to be disproved, and answers the most frequently asked questions

To finish off, Focus Dailies has studied a colorful, downloadable 'Quick lens manual', which is also available from a number of selected optical stores in paper format.

A virtual room has already been set up in the site forum to gather comments and personal experiences from teenagers called 'Storie vere di lenti vissute' (True stories of lens experiences).

The Focus Dailies project starts from the idea that contact lenses, especially daily ones, can be particularly suitable for the very young target because of their versatility. It is not just a coincidence that teenagers were the main topic of the Assottica congress 2006.

The lifestyle of young people aged 13 - 19 is dynamic, split between activities like sport, parties, concerts, or by every day commitments, when wearing glasses can be a source of discomfort.

The site is developed on a social network platform, becoming a virtual meeting place to express 'points of view' and share experiences with people of the same age. There is a theme competition to make access to the site all the more appealing, allowing registered users to load and share original creative contents and describe points of view with a photo or video, comment and vote on other users' contributions and also win 'cool' prizes, such as sophisticated digital cameras and the latest generation mobile phones.

In keeping with the Tucomelavedi? concept, these sections of the site are open to receiving comments from visitors, from the news section and the forum to the area reserved for using contact lenses, which has a whole room in the forum all to itself.

'All official sources seem to agree on the fact that today's teenagers, raised in an environment filled with communications, no longer believe standard messages.' - explains Valentina Pierini, Focus Dailies brand manager - 'This is why we felt the need to resort to methods, which have so far been used little by companies such as CIBA Vision'.
