VCA Membership Grows as Eight New Members Join Organization
The Vision Council of America (VCA) is proud to announce the addition of eight new members to the organization. Aoyama USA Inc. will participate in the Eyewear and Accessories Division, X-Cel Optical, Inc. and Augen Optics in the Lens Division and Quest Optical Specialty Lab, Inc. in the Laboratory Division. In addition, Vision Science Software and Gilbert Displays will participate in the Supplier Division, while LS&S, LCC joins the Low Vision Division.
This jump in membership comes as many companies are joining the organization to take advantage of International Vision Expo benefits. All companies that join VCA before the end of 2006 will be eligible for a one-time rebate to offset increases in exhibiting costs, in addition to the standard VCA booth discount.
Aside from Vision Expo show floor savings, membership in VCA also provides companies with a real advantage in the marketplace. Members are able to utilize VCA's research and statistics programs, educational programs and valuable networking opportunities.
'Membership in VCA makes you a part of the only organization of its kind, one that works every day on behalf of its members and the entire ophthalmic community,' noted Ed Greene, VCA CEO. 'VCA members are part of a committed, results-driven organization that is strengthening the entire industry.'