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Transitions Optical announces the winner of 'Independent Lab of the Year 2006'

Transitions Optical announces the winner of 'Independent Lab of the Year 2006'

Todd White, the Managing Director of Transitions Optical EMEA announced the winner of the competition 'Independent Lab of the Year 2006' for Europe, Africa and the Middle East.The 'Transitions Independent Lab of the Year 2006' award went to the French Novacel for its important work during the year supporting and promoting Transitions photochromatic lenses.

Novacel will be able to take advantage of 4 pages in A4 format, in professional papers and all communications through the Transitions site; it will also be able to use the 'Independent Lab of the Year 2006' logo on its communication tools for a whole year.

The competition participants were assessed on the basis of parameters relating to increased sales, marketing activities, staff training programs, consumer communication supports and the use of training instruments relating to the 'Healthy Sight' program during the period 1st December 2005 - 31st August 2006.

The prize given to Novacel 'rewarded' initiatives such as the creation and distribution of material relating to Transitions V with ESP, information supports for the TV campaign and specific mailing; training for members of staff at the call center; incentives for consumers and sales force training (2 sessions in the stated period, one of which at the Tuam plant in Ireland).

Another key factor was the incorporation of Transitions V technology with ESP into all of Novacel's products.
