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Period of stock option offer to Marcolin shareholders closes

Period of stock option offer to Marcolin shareholders closes

Marcolin S.p.A. (Marcolin or the Company) announced the successful end of the stock option offer to Marcolin shareholders under art. 2441, paragraph 1, of the Italian Civil Code, of 16,761,375 new ordinary shares to increase the capital as deliberated at the extraordinary meeting of Marcolin shareholders April 27, 2006, and mainly aimed at improving the debt/equity ratio, redressing sources of financing, and having new financial resources to allocate to the overall development of the Group.

During the option offer period (November 13 - December 1, 2006) 44,353,552 preemption rights were exercised and equaled 16,632,582 ordinary shares in Marcolin or approximately 99.2% of the shares offered with a value of Euro 29,605,995.96.

Given the issuing commitments undertaken by the parties to the current control and voting agreement drawn up December 16, 2004, and subsequently amended (Paracorporate Pact), directly and through LUAB S.r.l., a company controlled by Luigi Abete who acquired the rights not taken up by Inmar S.r.l. partners Maria Giovanna Zandegiacomo and Monica Coffen, all the preemption rights due to the Paracorporate Pact, equal to 77.025% of the total preemption rights, were subscribed. Consequently, on the basis of the issuing commitments, 12,910,533 shares were subscribed and equaled 77.026% of the shares subject of the capital increase with a value of Euro 22,980,748.74.

At the end of the option offer period, 343,448 preemption rights were not exercised, corresponding to a total of 128,793 ordinary shares.

In accordance with art. 2441, paragraph 3 of the Italian Civil Code, Marcolin will offer the above non-exercised rights on the Stock Exchange on December 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2006; all the rights will be offered at the first session and any rights not assigned on that day will be offered at subsequent sessions.

The non-exercised rights will be available to investors at Monte Titoli S.p.A. and they can be used to subscribe to new ordinary shares (cum-coupon securities) in Marcolin with a nominal value of Euro 0.52 for Euro 1.78 per share at the rate of 3 newly-issued shares for every 8 preemption rights held.

Through the relevant depositories, share subscription must be made at Monte Titoli S.p.A., no later than December 18, 2006, under penalty of nullity.

The intermediary appointed to handle the non-exercised preemption rights is Banca Caboto S.p.A..
