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On offer Bausch & Lomb's 'Travel Wellbeing' promotion

The health of your eyes shall never be ignored. Contact lens wearers must take special steps to look after and care for their lenses also when traveling.

This is why Bausch&Lomb has come up with a new promotion: all purchasers will receive a free 'Travel Wellbeing' bag with every purchase of two 360 ml bottles of Renu MultiPlus solution, so your eyes can also travel in the safety and comfort guaranteed by the Bausch & Lomb name.

The unique Renu MultiPlus Solution with No Rub formula eliminates residue and protein without rub; it cleans, disinfects and lubricates your contact lenses, guaranteeing a long-lasting clean thanks to its revolutionary formula.

Today, as always, Bausch & Lomb's promotional activities focus on comfort and safety. Research and innovation are the strong points of the proposed contact lenses and Solutions, aimed at ensuring maximum easy use and high visual performance.

The promotion will be valid for the whole of February 2007 at sales points taking part in the initiative.
