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China: luxury labels win case against Silk Market

China: luxury labels win case against Silk Market

The case brought by Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel and Burberry against Xiushui Haosen Company, the owner of the Silk Market shopping center where counterfeit goods were being sold, concluded with the Chinese company being sentenced to pay for the damage caused to each of the labels involved.

But more than the payment of damages, which is purely symbolic (two thousand euros each), the sentence is a significant one in that the company is obliged to display on the doors of the shopping center a notice stating that it is forbidden to sell counterfeit goods and garments in the department store.

'It is the first time that an operator on the Chinese market has been found guilty of counterfeiting by a court and sentenced to pay damages', pointed out Wang Yadong, one of the lawyers who defended the luxury label team. 'It doesn't matter that the court agreed with the complainants the symbolic damages of two thousand euros each. For the Xiushui Haosen Company it is a serious blow'.

(Source: Milano Finanza Fashion)
