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Paolo Nucci

President SIOPS, Italian Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus


Prof. Paolo Nucci is an ophthalmologist, university lecturer and science popularizer. A full professor at the University of Milan, he teaches diseases of the visual apparatus. After specialising in ophthalmology, he perfected his professional skills with a fellowship in paediatric ophthalmology at the University of Chicago. Author of more than 250 publications on SCOPUS with an H index of 38, his main interest lies in childhood pathologies, a field in which he has 8 scientific monographs to his credit. He is currently President of the Italian Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (SIOPS) and President of the Degree Course in Orthoptics at the University of Milan. He also holds the role of Ambassador of the International Myopia Institute. For a number of years now, he has dedicated himself to popularisation and communication in Medicine with a particular focus on the modern figure of the doctor and the reinterpretation of our National Health System. His divulgation activity has often seen him as a guest on numerous television programmes and he is present on WIKIPEDIA. He is a member of the National Technical Committee for the Prevention of Blindness of the Ministry of Health. 


Saturday 8 Feb — 2025

Round Table
The control and management of myopia. The ideal patient pathway.

Host and moderator Nicola Di Lernia, expert in the optics sector.
Paolo Nucci
(President SIOPS, Italian Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus), Teresio Avitabile (President SISO, Italian Society of Ophthalmologic Sciences), Romolo Protti (Vice President AIMO, Italian Association of Ophthalmic Physicians), Rino Agostiniani (President SIP, Italian Society of Paediatrics), Andrea Afragoli (President FEDEROTTICA), Marco Montes (Delegate AIORAO, Italian Association of Orthoptists Assistants in Ophthalmology).
Curated by FGE - Fabiano Gruppo Editoriale.
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Sunday 9 Feb — 2025

Shared visions: projects and perspectives of integration between optical and medical areas.

Host and moderator Nicola Di Lernia, expert in the optics sector.
Teresio Avitabile
(President Italian Society of Ophthalmological Sciences - S.I.S.O.), Romolo Protti (Vice President Italian Association of Ophthalmic Physicians - AIMO), Francesco Bandello (President of the College of Ordinary Professors of Ophthalmology COMPROSO), Paolo Nucci (President of the Italian Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus - SIOPS), Leonardo Mastropasqua (National President of the Society of University Ophthalmologists - SOU), Andrea Afragoli (President FEDEROTTICA); Massimo Barberis (President ANFAO Lenses Group) .
Curated by Fabiano Gruppo Editoriale in collaboration with ANFAO, ANFAO Lens Group, FEDEROTTICA and MIDO.
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