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DAI Optical continues to innovate in lens design software

DAI Optical continues to innovate in lens design software

Made-in-Italy innovation and quality are distinctive values of DAI Optical, a company whose research and development centre is committed to improving ophthalmic lens design software in order to bring products of excellence to the market.

Examples include NOVAE 28, the new blended bifocal, and the MetaClass project, which combines the spirit of DAI Optical with virtual reality and Metaverse technology.
MetaClass lenses aim to give customers an unprecedented visual and purchasing experience. The concept includes the ‘Eye-Shuttle virtual reality headset’ which is, linked to a dedicated web platform of the same name. During the immersive experience into the Metaverse, the Eye-Tracking sensors record the wearer’s eye movements patterns with the aim of studying the eye-brain interaction to tailor the ARYA lens and make it unique for each user. The final lens presents a refined and balanced power map based on this detection, the company explains, to combine excellent visual comfort with an unforgettable purchasing experience.
The new bifocal. NOVAE 28 provides wide and comfortable visual fields and a high aesthetic. The introduction of the peripheral blend and of the internal surface recalculation makes it possible to obtain a significant thickness and weight reduction over the entire surface compared to a standard bifocal. In addition, and unlike a standard free form bifocal, NOVAE 28 does not alter the bezel segment, which remains slightly visible, so as to provide the best optical performance in terms of extension of the field of view and image sharpness, the company states.
