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Nuovo CEO per The Vision Council<!--:--><!--:en-->The Vision Council names a new Chief Executive Officer

Nuovo CEO per The Vision CouncilThe Vision Council names a new Chief Executive Officer

R.Michael Daley nominato successore di Ed Greene con effetto dal 1 ottobre 2014 R.Michael Daley è stato nominato CEO di The Vision Council a aprtire dal 1 ottobre 2014 in seguito all'annuncio del già annunciato pensionamento di Ed Greene, da 8 anni alla guida dell'organizzazione.   Da lungo tempo veterano del settore, Mike Daley ha iniziato la sua carriera nel mondo dell'ottica nel 1975 alla Ferris State University. Dopo 34 anni in Essilor, Mike è andato in pensione nel 2008 lasciando la carica di presidente e COO della divisione lenti dell'azienda.   "Sono incredibilmente onorato di avere l'opportunità di lavorare con The Vision Council e spero di continuare il grande lavoro fatto fin qui dall'organizzazione sotto la guida di Ed" ha affermato Mike Daley."Credo che il settore si stia muovendo in una direzione interessante e non vedo l'ora di portare una visione nuova a tutti i programmi e servizi dell'organizzazione".   "Dopo un'accurata selezione tra molti candidati, il Board di The Vision Council e un apposito comitato di selezione sono lieti di dare il benvenuto a bordo a Mike Daley come CEO" ha commentato Raanan Naftalovich, chairman del Board dell'organizzazione. "Mike è uno dei più rispettati professionisti del settore ad oggi e il suo contributo è stato riconosciuto dai colleghi del settore." R. Michael Daley has been named as the CEO of The Vision Council, effective Oct. 1, 2014, following the previously announced retirement of Ed Greene R. Michael (Mike) Daley has been named as the chief executive officer of The Vision Council, effective Oct. 1, 2014, following the previously announced retirement of Ed Greene, who has led the organization for the past eight years.   Longtime optical industry veteran, Mike Daley began his optical career as an instructor with Ferris State University in 1975. After 34 years with Essilor, he retired in 2008 as the president and COO of the organization's Lens Division. To advance the optical community, Daley serves as a board member or in a leadership position for a number of optical organizations including Optometry Cares – the American Optometric Association Foundation, Prevent Blindness America, The Illinois College of Optometry Board of Trustees, and past chairman of The Vision Council. In his current position, Daley serves as The Vision Council's Optical Laboratory Division Liaison, formerly the Optical Laboratories Association (OLA) - the organization's largest division.   "I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to work with The Vision Council in this capacity, and hope to continue the great work that has been done at the organization under Ed's leadership," Mike Daley stated. "I think that the industry is heading in a very exciting direction, and I'm looking forward to bringing a fresh perspective to the organization's overall programs and services."   "After an expansive candidate search, The Vision Council's Board and a dedicated selection committee are very pleased to welcome Mike Daley on board as CEO," said Raanan Naftalovich, chairman of The Vision Council Board of Directors. "Mike is one of the most respected professionals in our industry today, and his contributions have consistently been recognized by his colleagues, the eyecare provider community and the industry at large.   "Having served in several corporate and volunteer leadership positions throughout his career, we are confident he is uniquely positioned to understand the challenges and opportunities facing the industry today. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Ed for his years of dedicated service to not only the organization, but to the industry as a whole."