Adlens® annuncia una partnership strategica con un distributore canadeseAdlens® announces strategic partnership with Canadian distributor
Firmato l'accordo con Superclip Canada Inc. e la società madre Perfect Optical Group Adlens® ha ufficialmente annunciato la sua nuova partnership con il distributore canadese, Superclip Canada Inc. e la società madre Perfect Optical Group. Firmato a marzo 2014, l'accordo con Perfect Optical, leader nel mercato ottico canadese, faciliterà la vendita in Canada delle collezioni Adlens basate sulla tecnologia Alvarez, Adlens® Adjustables™ e Adlens Sundials™, e delle collezioni basate sulla rivoluzionaria tecnologia Fluid-injection, The John Lennon™ Collection e Hemisphere®. "Siamo felici di diventare partner di Perfect Optical e Superclip e non vediamo l'ora di collaborare con il loro talentuoso team, forte di cinquant'anni di successi " – ha detto Michael C. Ferrara, CEO e Executive Chairman di Adlens – "Con più di 20 rappresentanti commerciali, siamo certi che Perfect Optical e Superclip sono i partner ideali per introdurre Adlens sul mercato." Adrian Maas, vice presidente di Perfect Optical, ha commentato: "Gli innovati occhiali a focus variabile Adlens hanno ricevuto moltissima attenzione da parte dei media statunitensi e siamo orgogliosi di proporre questo rivoluzionario prodotto ai consumatori canadesi." An agreement signed between Superclip Canada Inc. and parent company Perfect Optical Group Adlens® has officially announced its new partnership with Canadian distributor Superclip Canada Inc. and parent company Perfect Optical Group. Signed in March 2014, the agreement with Perfect Optical, leader of the Canadian optical market, will facilitate sales in Canada of the Adlens collections based on Alvarez technology - Adlens® Adjustables™ and Adlens Sundials™ - and the collection based on the revolutionary Fluid-injection technology - The John Lennon™ Collection and Hemisphere®. "We are pleased about partnering Perfect Optical and Superclip and we look forward to working with their talented team that has a history of fifty years of successes" – said Adlens CEO and executive chairman Michael C. Ferrara. "With over 20 commercial representatives we are certain that Perfect Optical and Superclip are the ideal partners for introducing Adlens to the market." Adrian Maas, vice president of Perfect Optical, commented: "The innovative variable focus eyewear by Adlens has been at the center of considerable attention by the media in the United States and we are proud to propose this revolutionary product to Canadian consumers."