Rye&Lye: occhiali preziosi, artigianalità Made in ItalyRye&Lye: precious eyewear, Made in Italy craftsmanship
Forme dalla delicata allure rétro uniti a materiali innovativi Eleganti e preziosi. Gli ultimi modelli della collezione Rye&Lye sono dei piccoli capolavori di artigianalità made in Italy. In tutte le montature Rye&Lye convivono due anime: una che strizza l'occhio al passato, rivivendo nelle forme dalla delicata allure rétro, l'altra che guarda decisa al futuro, grazie all'utilizzo di materiali innovativi e all'impiego di tecnologie all'avanguardia che rendono questi occhiali dei gioielli fatti a mano, da indossare come accessori realizzati su misura. Shapes with a delicate retro allure combined with innovative materials Elegant and precious, the latest models in the Rye&Lye collection are small masterpieces of made in Italy craftsmanship. All Rye&Lye frames have two souls: one winks at the past by reliving shapes with a delicately retro allure; the other looks decisively at the future thanks to the innovative materials and leading-edge technologies that make this eyewear handmade gems to be worn in the same way as tailor-made accessories. "Since its foundation in 2002, the Arav Group's main aim is to grow in Italy and abroad by accepting new challenges every day. It is with this spirit that we launched the Silvian Heach brand and in just over ten years it has become one of the reference brands in the fashion segment". This was how Arav Group CEO Mena Marano explained the birth of the Silvian Heach brand. "After this achievement, in recent years we wanted to expand the brand's lifestyle so we decided to present a complete collection of sun and vision eyewear for SS 2014. From this point of view, we believed that Mido would be the best place to make our debut given that it is the meeting place par excellence for sector operators in addition to being the reference fair at international level". "This will be an absolute debut for us with regard to participating in this international event and the products we will present" Marano continued. "Creativity, originality and quality have always been the distinctive features of our collections: for the eyewear sector we will present for the very first time 18 vision models and 7 sun models, each coming in four different colors. The indicative price of the vision frames and sunglasses will be in line with our commercial strategy that has always pursued true value for money". What do you expect from being at Mido? Mena Marano replied: "We have very high expectations from our participation in Mido with regard to visibility and number of contacts. Handled entirely within the company, the project envisages widespread coverage of Italy through the specialized opticians/optometrists wholesale channel. To achieve this aim we have invested in setting up a dedicated sales network but we are sure that the biggest challenge will come from our decision to enter a distribution segment, the optical one, that is completely new for us. Mido will enable us to start significant relationships with a large panel of partners for achieving our aims in the best way possible.